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Nicole Jennings

Hey there, I'm glad that you're here! I'd love to tell you a little about myself and my Purgasm Shop journey.

My Journey

My Purgasm Shop journey started when I was around 12 years old. My father, a traveling painter and musician, brought me a cup of special red clay dirt from one of his travels and told me to use it on my face to help my pre-teen acne. That cup of dirt sat on my dresser for weeks until one day I decided to make one of the fancy face masks I'd seen in a beauty magazine I purchased at the local flea market. To my surprise, my skin immediately looked and felt better, and most importantly to me; wearing the facial mask made me feel luxurious and special. In that moment, I fell in love with making beauty mixtures from things found in nature. And many years later, I started the Purgasm Shop brand. The brand and offerings have changed and evolved over the years just like me. Many people may remember that we've offered hair care, skin care, massage candles, soy candles, and more throughout the years. I've learned to embrace my creative spirit and may continue to bring back any of these products in the future if the inspiration strikes. So, I hope that you'll stick around and join me on this journey. I'm not sure where it will lead, but I know that self-care and amazing products will be along for the ride.

My Purgasm Shop Vision

Studies (and my personal experience) shows that we are more likely to stay committed to activities performed in a group. That's why people often perform better with walking buddies, work out partners, etc. With Purgasm Shop, I am creating a sense of community around self-care by providing specialty foot care products and tools and resources that can be used privately at home or within a group setting in our Sole Soak Sunday community.

Outside of Purgasm Shop

When I'm not brainstorming on new ideas for Purgasm Shop, you can find me vending or shopping at local Atlanta festivals, searching for Atlanta's best fresh pico de gallo and cupcakes, enjoying a glass of wine at a live music show, or exploring all of the art and entertainment that Atlanta offers with my amazing daughter.

I hope to see you at Sole Soak Sunday!

- Nicole Jennings XO